HealthE PACS Worklist- is an easy to use patient and study management system that improves accuracy and productivity. This DICOM modality worklist server allows any modality in your facility to efficiently retrieve updated order and patient demographics directly from your HIS/RIS for image acquisitions. Retrieving existing patient information eliminates or minimizes data entry and helps prevent errors or incomplete information, which can result in study data loss and increased costs. Also includes advanced Worklist Query features. |
Time Saving - Manual typing of study and demographic information is no longer required at the modality as the information is taken directly from the HIS/RIS transactions and is up to date. Information is accessible to modalities as soon as the HIS/RIS application has it available.
Error Reduction - Elimination of unnecessary re-typing of demographic and study related text. Retrieving up to date information from your HIS/RIS with consistent data presentation used provides consistent data for records. Eliminate study data loss and improve patient care.
Flexable - Supports intuitive data search and presentation for unique modality types, query's by date and time, and includes query retrieval for use with auxiliary devices such as barcode scanners. Versatile, works with all modalities with intelligent support of chronological searches. Improves overall productivity of any site!
The HealthE PACS Worklist acts as the interface and interpreter between the HIS / RIS and your PACS/Imaging system to provide modalities with both Worklist and Query (Patient demographics) information. It receives, stores, coverts and dispatches HL7, DICOM and other custom formatted messages, integrating healthcare applications, imaging modalities, PACS, image archives and clinical repositories.
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